A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Post-Partum Depression

Can non-mothers have post-partum depression?
Cause I think I have first day nanny depression... wowowow. I felt like all day today I was either changing a diaper or feeding someone. Living with two boys who eat every four hours I feel like I may be falling into their habits as well also. What a job! What a day!
I'm really exaggerating here, I know. So don't worry, all you aunts, and grandparents. It was just a long day. First day of Mom being gone is tough for anyone, aka me, so i understand- i'm crabby too! :) So i gotta give the kid some credit. the baby is so cute! when he laughs and sleeps on my belly I think I'll just die. and the two year old was listening to my walkman and bobbing his lil head around and just couldn't be any cuter. Their old nanny let them watch constant tv so that has already been unpleasant to be the naysayer that put the axe to the constant tv deal. Oh well somebody's gotta be the bad guy, huh? the baby spit up his entire body weight today which may be bad for his health but he seemed to be used to the drill. ???? i think i may go to a movie and eat some mexican food tonight and explore a bit-- i definately need to get out of the house even if it's to walk around the block :) also TOMOROW'S MY BIRTHDAY, THE BIG 23 so i may take my 20 dollars and my new birthday purse (that's right, gma and gpa!) and go buy myself a little something pretty or fun for my birthday. tomorow may be a tough day- birthday in a new place with no friends, anyone? but i'll do something fun, try to make it special, and be positive! that's right, people! glass half full, haven't you heard it? :) anyway I'm off, gonna take a shower and wash the spitup out of my hair and body and then go out on the town! whoohoooo!
night folks


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