A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Deep Breaths

Ok, so it's about 5:30 pm here in New York. We're entering the tail end of when the Dad is supposed to be home, 5-5:30 is the official time off in the summer. Well, the official time on the one day a month that things somehow go as planned. Anyway, it's been a tough day. Yesterday I was still flying high on being home, happy heart, loving life. Today I woke up even before the Dad woke me up, waking to the sound of screaming infant at 5 am. The mom is gone on business, so this sound becomes my problem. The day goes fine, until baby refuses to take a nap and vomits all over me, himself, and his parents bed. actually, the morning was quite fun, the 2 year old and I had a super-fun workout session. I had two cans of Chef Boyardee as weights, dancing around the house and doing some standard exercises, and of course the little guy had to copy me with a couple mini-jars I gave him. So cute. So cute. Anyway sooooooo back the the vomit. YEP. ick. so after bathing baby, myself, and the linens, we settled into a few moments of silence before the 2 year old woke up soon after being soooooooooo whiney. So we've got two whiney kids screaming and making variations of AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH all the time. whew. Anyway, I took a break from writing to feed both babies and finish up working... at 7:45. Ick. Anyway, sadly, I'm too much of a people-pleaser to really act annoyed, so of course I didn't say anything. Ugh. But I can't be too upset, because I found out today the week off I'm getting next week is paid, even though it's not one of my two paid vacation weeks. So, it's hard to be too upset (although I was for awhile earlier) when I'm getting paid 500 dollars next week for sitting around not doing any work. If anything, it helped to remind me of what I think I realized over the weekend... that bieng a nanny at the disposal of petty parents watching children that aren't mine ISN"T MY LIFE"S CALLING. Good to know, huh? :)
As Aunt Jane said, maybe if you have flight trouble every time you try to go to and from somewhere, God's trying to tell you that it's NOT WHERE YOU NEED TO BE.
As I said to her, Yeah, spoken like a true travel agent. You know if God wants you somewhere by if you have flight trouble on the way there or not :)
But I do feel like I got some clarity over the weekend about what to do next, which is sweet, because as so many college graduates can attest to, what to do next is the biggest question with so many potential answers! More about that later, after being home I feel like I got a better appreciation for the ole blog-readers and keeping them updated, so I'm going to try better to do that! love you all,


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