A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Swap-o-rama-rama my NIGHT

Ok, so my weekend was unadulteratedly fabulous. So great. After a wonderful weekend in Jersey, I spent Sunday night and Monday back in the city with Jodi, exploring the upper East Side as far up as the 90's and 100's and found some cute stuff and some not- so- cute stuff. turns out the real upper 90's and 100's are more Harlem-like than the typical old-money Upper East side charm. Then we explored Central Park for awhile- some places I'd only seen in movies and pictures like the Belvedere Castle, the Resevoir, and some other sweet places. My new beautiful cowboy boot caused me to totally fall and make a fool of myself on a Central Park sidewalk, but Jodi got a kick out of it because she had totally biffed it earlier that day and I had laughed and laughed while she struggled (I later apologized, so don't worry)
THEN I had heard of a clothing swap going on in Brooklyn later that day (through my pre- Manhattan trip fun things internet search that I've become very good at) so we gathered Jodi's old clothes that I hadn't already saved from give-away and bagged them in this little travel luggage and headed across the river (really under the river, on the L) to Brooklyn to the "Swap a rama-rama" event somewhere in Williamsburg, a neighborhood in Brooklyn. At first, I thought it was going to be a big bust but after awhile Jodi and I really got into the spirit of it, and I ended up getting a bunch of REALLY great stuff. Yeah, I had to dig through piles of people's used and perhaps dirty clothes, but the rush of getting sweet clothes for free far outweighed any concerns. It got to where you'd see a person coming with a bag of clothes to donate, you'd do a quick once-over to see if they'd have anything you'd like based on their current fashion, then you'd get as close as possible to the bag-dumping location. So fun. Of course, all of this meant Jodi and I had to lug one piece of luggage and one huge garbage sack of clothes for about 5 blocks after all the subway rides but it was totally worth it.
so that was amazing
then today...
Kid #1 stomach flu.
The father home sick.
So sick and awkward. great.
I made the most of it, tried to make due.
THEN I'm driving to bible study and the car is shaking, the car is shaking more , the car is shaking uncontrollably. I pull off onto the exit, and at the first stoplight the car tells me to stop and pull over! (well the digital dash thingy does) So I do, and lo and behold, the tire is shredded. Totally entirely shredded. HORRIFIED.
So I call the Dad, and let him know (thinking I'm going to be fired or something) and he says "Oh, that front right tire, yeah I've been meaning to fix that."
Yep, he forgot to tell me. ugh.
So then when I got home from bible study (to 2 messages from the Dad) I have to go with him to fix the car and all this business. AND HE SAYS glad I didn't have to get Pete to help me, I would have owed him dinner. And I just am obligated to help? No free dinner for me? No extra 20 bucks for the overtime and the heartache shredding a tire caused? So that kind of annoyed me. I just want my time to be valued even if I'm not doing something important or having to be somewhere. I mean, this family is not my life. This family is my job. And there is a difference. A subtle difference, perhaps, but a difference.
Anyway, so I'm heading to bed kind of annoyed, but I am giving it to God so as to not let bitterness grow, but it's hard to have a hope for a fresh start tomorow when the DAD is planning to STAY HOME AGAIN. Why? Why? Why? It's so awkward and he obviously can't tell for some reason? He doesn't notice the pregnant silences full of millions of things we DON'T have in common? Eh, what can you do?
please don't take this as complaining, usually I don't write when I have a bad day but I think that might be giving you all the wrong impression about my life, so I'm going to try to write now whether I'm doing great or not. A more comprehensive approach :)
love you all


Blogger Nanny said...

Hi Christina, as a nanny myself, I know exactly what you are going through. It is hard living and working in the same place, but especially someone elses home. I was an aupair once and lived with a family. It was great, but there were awkward times too. I am sure the father has no idea why there might be a little tension or awkward feeling in the house when he stays home. A way to deal with it is to talk to him. when he asked or told you to go with him for the car, you could have asked "am I obligated?" another way to query is by asking "why? do you need me there" It might just have been that he thought he might need another person to drive or whatever, but I am sure if you talk to him, it will work out. It is hard to keep things bottled up inside. I know you giving it and putting it in gods hands helps you deal with it, but I remember learning as a child in church that god helps those who helps themselves. I think a great way for you to help yourself is by communicating with the parents whenever possible. In a nice, friendly non-threatening way. It is also good to rant and complain on your blog or to your friends, because I think it will help get things out and writing or talking about your feelings is always good.
I hope this helps.
Glad to see you had a great time in nyc.

8:14 PM


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