A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

i kissed a grandma today. not mine.

The Dad is gone this week. The Mom gone last week, Dad gone this week. no wonder the kids are going absolutely crazy! anyway, so I can't change that, so I'm doing the best I can with crazy hours (the Dad is the one who gets home early and Mom is the self-proclaimed workaholic who takes hours just to leave the office) Anyway, The Mom's parents came to take care of the kids tonight while I head to choir practice. Truth be told, i'm thinking i really got a heck of a deal with places I have to be, because it's always the same question... "we're gonna be home a little later, is there somewhere you need to be?" well, yes, there is :) anyway, so the grandma kissing part- The mom's parents are first generation moved here from the Phillipines- old school. The grandma (met once) walks in and sticks her cheek at me. I'm just standing there like WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? uhhh..... then i realize. I'm supposed to kiss it. eh what the heck. so i'm pretty sure we're best friends now. which is nice! she brought me food too, which totally threw off the eating healthy for the day but it was practically thrown down my throat so it might have been hazardous to my health to refuse.
anyway, the last couple of days have been a roller coaster. Kid #2 (baby) has become a hungry beast, eating almost twice his 6 oz. of milk every 4 hours and getting quite insistent about needing food. so much for "he's such a good baby!" Plus he's eating eating eating then always throwing up JUST enough to need a new outfit every hour or so. !!!! and Kid 1 is crazy jealous of the baby's popularity (needing to be fed pretty much constantly) so he wants to be held an insane amount too. which means this girls got a sore back and some thin patience. it is so interesting, from a psychological sense, though, because Kid 1 wants to be (ok, at this point we're switching to #1 and #2, kid one is toddler, kid 2 is baby, just to make things easier) mad AT #2, but #2 hasn't done anything, so #1 just gets mad at the current caretaker, but TODAY #1 was backing up against #2's chair (and his kicking feet) and making #2 kick him so he could get mad about it! I kept telling him to stop, but also kind of just watching and wondering and thinking about it. strange but fascinating. plus neither one was hitting or screaming so I tend to cherish those moments and try not to make any sudden movements. :)
but I got through it, and Mama and Papa (i'm going to call them that now, since we kiss now and all) got here 1 1/2 hrs early so i'm loving life right about now. not very motivated to go to choir practice, to tell you the truth, i just wanna veg after such a long day but I just have to remind myself that I will probably not regret it.
This Sunday's message at church was reeeeeeeeeeeally amazing. the preacher talked about God being first in your life. made some really good points like God is either first or last. he's not in between.
also he said How do you know if God is first?
If nothing compares.
i thought that was pretty amazing. really hit home! also he talked a lot about how good theological books, devotion books, etc, are good, but they don't have the POWER that the Bible has. So if you're reading a good christian book, good! But OPEN YOUR BIBLE. That was something I knew, but it was so good to hear. the Bible has power! to change! sweet.
So many things to say but I need to get going.
Something I was thinking about the other day... I am a deep thinker.
I have philosophies. Betsy, I know you're prlly laughing right now cause you've heard just about every one of them. I love to philosophize and discuss life and everything in it. I read the New York Times, and I watch the news! I want to talk about more than just the funny thing #1 did or what #2 threw up. I am not one-dimensional, why should my blog be? so heads up.
love you all


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