A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Friday, February 10, 2006

sick as a dog

so, HEARING about my boss getting sick out of both ends is awkward, but you wanna know what is even MORE awkward?
that's right people, i'm sick. threw up at the doctor's office yesterday while at a routine checkup for the baby (after which i thought, hey, I can beat this! I am NOT sick. I will take a little nap while the baby naps, and i'll be fine!) , then again at home (after which I finally called the boss to say I was sick- you can't argue with 2x vomiting, and too weak to walk up the stairs) , then again all day long. miserable. totally miserable.
today i'm feeling a little bit better- haven't thrown up in almost 12 hours, which is a small victory.
trying to decide if I should cancel my lunch date and go back to bed... when you're throwing up it's easy to know you're sick, but since i'm not today it's hard to get myself to take it easy. ugh. i'm not a very good listener to my body, my mom says.
and i've eaten 3 crackers in 2 days. that can't be good, but i'm just not hungry! anyway, enough about my battles w/ sickness.
I'm not going to Vermont this weekend after all... the family Jodi and i were going to go with only has room for one person in their vehicle. yeah, it's dissapointing, but I think it will be good to get over this sickness and be raring to go on Monday. plus they said we could go up there anytime we wanted and use their car when they're not going up there, or use their house in Florida? hmmm.. :)
so I'm guzzing Sprite and headed back to bed.
thanks crystal and family for the packages! brightened up my (literally) pukey day :)


Blogger Nanny said...

Hope you feel better.

4:35 PM


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