A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Today there is a crazy blizzard going on in New York. All Boroughs of NYC are under blizzard warning, and Westchester County and Long Island are under Winter Storm warning. We have had 12 inches already, and they're predicting another 8-12! Isn't that insane! No church today! I literally see feet of snow outside on our patio as I write this! I heard they never shut down the trains to NYC (Metro North is the one I take) so I might go into the city sometime this week just to see the city under so much snow! Or maybe sledding somewhere (anyone know a good sledding spot in the city?) or just making a snow angel in Central Park- gotta do it :)
Plus this Tuesday is Valentines day, so I may be going into the city sometime during the week to celebrate with a friend or two with a nice (but cheap) dinner out? we'll see.
so, thanks to all who prayed for the pocketbook. I really appreciate it.
But last night, while I was reading my bible and hanging out at Panera Bread, God gave me a verse. It's in 2 Chron. 25
The story is this king guy was planning on attacking some people, and had hired some mercenaries to help his army. Then a messenger from God came and told him that God said HOLD IT. don't attack them! So the King says to God, wait, but I already hired all those mercenaries and spent all that money!
9Amaziah said to the man of God, "But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the troops of Israel?" And the man of God answered, "(I)The LORD has much more to give you than this."
Wow. Getting this verse just such an encouragement. God has all the money in the world, and I'm his child. I don't need to be worried about a week's pay, for God is a rich God and he loves to richly bless me. THE LORD HAS MUCH MORE TO GIVE YOU THAN THIS.
Also made me think of "The Lord gives and takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
So, for you New Yorkers reading this who can't get to church, there's your sermon :) haha
So I think I may be getting well finally. I am ravenously hungry, and just can't seem to get enough food in my belly. Must be those 3 days with hardly any food in it.
So I'm watching Mayor Bloomberg and the whole sanitation office talking about the storm on TV and it's weird, he feels like MY mayor, it feels like MY state. A weird transition happens, you don't see it coming, but all the sudden you feel like you live here, like this is home! Anyway, Today I plan on reading, watching TV, writing some more letters, eating, and basically being a big bum! Yeeyhah! I love you all!
happy snow day!


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