A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


So, usually you, my faithful readers, only get to read about my life.
Today, you can participate.
How? You may ask.
Yesterday, I was still sick, but with #1's doctors appointment and grocery shopping that needed to be done I needed to get well by about 2:30 Friday afternoon. Which I definately thought was do-able. So I sent Papa (kids' grandpa, whom I've never learned the real name of, so I also must call him that. oh well?) home and I went to pick up #1 from school. Then doctor's, then grocery store AT WHICH THEY both became crazy hungry (I was totally playing the part of white- trash mommy, having to stick my FINGER into baby's mouth to keep him from freaking out while we purchased our many items) and we had to rush out of there like our pants were on fire.
so... I left my pocketbook in a cart.
with my week's pay in it.
and it's gone now.
I was so bummed about this last night I just sat around, comatose, trying to forget it happened.
But today I'm doing something about it.
I'm praying that it will turn up at the Stop & Shop, that some nice person finds it or that some MEAN person feels guilty for taking it, and that I get it back. I just can't IMAGINE someone taking it and using my well-earned money and throwing away my beautiful pocketbook. ugh. So anyway, I'm bummed, but if you all could pray that would be amazing. The prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much, and also when 2 or 3 are gathered together in prayer God does big things too, so let's get together (yeah, yeah, yeah) in prayer and get this pocketbook back. Thanks guys!
ps no big plans this weekend so I can get well, also now that I have no money I am mostly hanging around here. cleaning lady coming today, so i'm trying to do some pre-cleaning-lady-cleaning so she's not appalled :)
love you all


Blogger Nanny said...

I hope you find your wallet.
THis happened to me once too, I left it in a cab, not only was there over $700's in it, but I had my passport in it too. I know if feels terrible, because whoever picked it up obviously knows it isnt theirs. I was so upset, because it had all my contact info in it too and nobody called me.
But I am sure someone will call you.
Good luck in your search.
Will say a prayer as you requested.

11:08 PM


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