A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

In The Absence of Angst

If I wrote a book, it would be called "In the absence of angst." Because sometimes, I think I have this sad poet's soul, but I just can't work up that deep tortured soul-sadness. It's like joy just overwhelms the sadness. I can be sad one minute, singing at the top of my lungs while driving down the freeway the next. Silly me. Like I'm sad here, sometimes, missing my family, the easy great life I had in Iowa, but somehow I'm ok here. strangely, I'm doing alright! God is good, that's for sure.
Ok, so I haven't written for awhile, what's been going on...
Saturday I helped Allie move apts. Whew, big work. So I hurried back up here for church on Sat. night but didn't get back in time, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise cause I got some great me-time shopping and at a movie. bought some amazing things that I will look amazing in :) plus some shoes I may have already mentioned because they're so amazingly fabulous that God totally dropped in my lap for only $7 whoohoooo! So that was great, then the christening on Sunday, then I tried to go to Ikea on Sunday night (in New Haven, CT, about an hour and a half away) on the train and by the time I got there there was only an hour till the store closed to it was POWER SHOPPING all the way. so after I got done shopping, hopped on a train back home, and they told me I had to transfer. Ugh. That's alot of remembering- watching the stops, getting off at the proper time, etc. Apparantly I couldn't handle it, cause I missed my stop (looked out the window as we pulled away, ugh) and the train went all the way south to HARLEM before I could go back north. Now, I realize the "harlem renaissance" happened and all, but it didn't change it into a happy fairy-land or anything. Still pretty sketchy. So anyway, I realize that's the next stop, so paranoid me starts transferring all my money and credit cards into my pockets so if I get mugged, they only get the free restaurant mints in my purse and some trash. So yeah, I'm a dork, and I DIDN'T get mugged, so that was nice. Called Caroline and she looked up the schedule for me to hop on another train right after I arrived there, so I didn't even have to leave the station. Nice, that technology stuff :) so anyway, got home safe.
This week has been okay with the kids, but kis #2 (baby) has been like CRAZY NEEDY. Like
" I won't be happy unless you carry me around or plop me in front of baby ensteins." Ugh. I already have mother guilt and I'm not even a mother yet :). Kid 1 has been so cute and helpful and sweet this week though, gotta love that. When they both explode in anger is when you gotta watch out. I am singing "special music" (solo) at church on Sunday, so last night after choir I sang my little heart out practicing it with the director. Pretty excited, cause it will be my first special music here. Probably not the last because I think they are in dire need of people under 50 that have a little talent. Which is fine with me! Pencil me in! :) So that's new, and I'm getting baptized next week, something I've been meaning to do for about 10 years or so but kept putting it off. God made it pretty obvious that the time is NOW, so I'm getting up there and gettin 'er done next week. Pretty excited! It's sweet to do something I've been meaning so long to do. Kind of like moving out here! It happened! It's becoming normal now, which is weird. Seeing Manhattan all the time, knowing my way around, understanding (well, sort of) the subways, it's crazy. Anyway, today I'm just w/ the baby, and I'm going to TRY to get my hair cut while he naps in his carseat. Hopefully it will work! :) hopefully!
ok, love you all,
hugs and kisses to Iowa,


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