A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sick in the city

My friend is here! yeah! We had a great night last night going to Serendipity (famous frozen hot chocolate) and walking around the city for awhile. It was great to chat and laugh and hang out with someone who thinks I am so unabashadly fantastic :). Plus it was really great when she almost biffed it on the subway when it started moving, and I laughed and laughed. If you don't get a good grip on those things, they'll send you flyin. The other day I was in a crowd of people and didn't have anything to hold onto, and I was bumping into half of Manhattan and apologizing all the way there. Jodi calls it subway surfing, and that's pretty accurate.
I just woke up this morning, and today I think we're going to head into the city and do all the shopping/ eating/ siteseeing stuff. It's so fun to do the "normal" New Yorker things like buying a Metrocard for the subway and showing her around cause it makes me truly feel like a New Yorker. Then of course I get my directions mixed up and I end up looking like I have no idea anyway, but oh well :)
The thing is, I've got a cold. ugh. I'm sure I got it from one of the numerous men in this house who spread germs around like it's going out of style. I've tried and tried not to get sick, I use more antibacterial hand gel than is probably recommended, but I guess all those baby liquids and substances I'm handling have caught up with me! So oh well. The mom is a big fan of this nose spray called Zicam and so I'm spraying that up my nose every couple hours, hoping for a miracle. So that's that.
ok so i've gotta go grab some coffee to get me started today, we've got a big day ahead of us (well, if the guest awakes anytime soon haha, I was waiting and waiting for her to wake up then I just set my cell phone alarm clock and let it go, but she still just laid there! I guess i'll let her sleep. ugh :) )
love you all


Blogger Nanny said...

I know how it is geting sick when taking care of sick kids and their parents. I got sick the first two years and then..... When I took them to the doctor 3 years ago, I asked her what I could do to keep myself from getting sick. The doctor told me to not drink from any of their cups or utensils etc Use the dishwasher for all the dishes and make sure I wash my hands all day. She also told me not to touch my face or to eat around them. I was a huge user of anti-bacterial sgel and soap, but I was still getting sick everytime one of them did. It was exhausting. The doctor told me I should only be using the gel after riding the subway or handling meat products or public toilets. What the anti-bacterial gel does is clean your hands of all bacteria. The good and the bad, so your body cant use the good bacteria to keep you healthy. It also prevents your body from building up immune bacteria and could result in you getting sick more often. Needless to say, I used her advice, the kids have been sick every year and I havent been sick for 2 years now.
I wash my hands all the time, use antibacterial soap when washing my plates and dishes at home, but regular soap when cleaning my hands, face and body parts.
I dont know if it will work for you, but it works for me. Give it a try. Also...try not to inhale too close to their faces when they are sick. Remember that you cant take care of them when you are sick, so it is important to keep yourself healthy, even if it means not giving them kisses when they are sick.
Hope you have a fabulous day in the city. Check out French Roast on 85th and Broadway. It is a 24 hour French Bistro that seves a great breakfast a delicious lunch and a sexy dinner. The breakfast and Lunch is not expensive and every time I go I see a celebrity. Matt Dillon, Alec Baldwin, famous tennis players, and two of the "sex and the city" girls.
It can be so much fun.
My nanny friends and I have breakfast there every Sunday, sometimes there are two of us, most times there are 5 and once in a while there are 10 of us. Thats how much we love it!

Have a great Saturday, hope you feel better.

8:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity, too! It's fun to read about your adventures. You are welcome in NJ anytime. Have a great week-end.

10:36 AM


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