A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Back from Hiatus

sorry for the long blog hiatus...
Before I went home, I wanted to save up my stories for the family reunion so I didn't write them, then I went home for a week, then right when I got back (to a broken toilet and computer keyboard, no less) my friends from Iowa came to visit, then a couple days (and lots of catch-up sleep) and another busy weekend and getting ready for ANOTHER trip whew! I WILL write tomorow, on all the things that have been going on. BUT I will leave you with a couple funny little tidbits
-After packing for Iowa, I arrived home with two HUGE suitcases of what I felt were my most impressive New York stylish clothings, only to find out it was flipping hot outside and the family reunion was going to consist of hanging out by the pool- apparantly every other girl in the family had gotten the "bring cute things to wear poolside" because I was definately the odd man out. I had to take a trip to Walmart the 2nd day I was home just to have something to wear! Ugh. :)
-Just now, when I went working out, I saw a teenage Hispanic boy working out while wearing his "bling." Like wearing a full work-out outfit, Ipod, the works, and two huge necklaces clanking together as he ran. New Yorkers. So crazy.
-Officially started looking for jobs in Iowa on Saturday. Yep, moving to Iowa in December is the plan. Too bad I became a nanny right after graduation from college, because I never took the time to find out how all this looking-for-a-job stuff is supposed to go! Like how early do you start looking? I found out after I'd sent 3 resumes out that you really do need to send a cover letter. I made Caroline read me hers over the phone so I could substitute my information and use it. Haha. Who knew it was that important? :)
OK, the dad needs to use the computer now so I gotta go, but I'll write tomorow more about the last month. Be sure to tune in because the story about how us 3 girls got along here for 5 days with no RUNNING TOILET is quite the hilarious little tale :)
love you all


Blogger Harley said...

No running toilet.

Mmm. Sounds magical!!

Feel for you about the poolside clothes thing- hate getting caught out like that. And then you're standing there feeling like a moron with the sweat sticking your cute but unsuitable top to your back thinking "FFS, now I have to go shopping, IN THIS HEAT, to get the clothes I should have brought with me in the first place".

You have no idea how well I know that feeling...

Fun Blog!If you don't mind I'll add it to my faves!

6:02 PM


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