A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

kids are napping simultaneously! awesome!

today I was DREADING taking care of these kids again, not gonna lie.
But then this morning I was spending a little time with God and he has given me such strength! you know, that's the kicker. moms' gotta have strength to stay strong, to give discipline, to say no and stick with it even though it would be sooooo much easier to just do what they want. it's like there's a million battles a day and the more I win, the better this years gonna go. anyway i'm feeling like i'm doing an ok job right now which is so nice :) better than yesterday! whooo! and i think i'm going into the city this weekend to see my friend Jocelyn from my mission trip last summer- she's living in Brooklyn and she doesn't have any friends in the city either! sweet! a friend! ;) anyway i've been thinking about growth-- the baby, is trying to get a strong neck. Actually, I sing this song to him all the time about it but that's besides the point. anyway he's trying to get a strong neck, he jerks it all around sometimes and he "gets" to have tummy time which he hates. it kind of hurts him and it's not fun. anyway but he HAS to do it, so he can crawl and walk and all those things which parents really prefer their children can do if they are able. anyway so that's kind of how i feel about my life right now. it's tough, but i'm growing. plus i was reading in phillipians ( i think) yesterday and paul is talking about he knows the secret to being ok in poverty, in pain, in prosperity, and in health. what's the secret? through Christ who strengthens him. and i'm definately feelingn that today- Christ strengthens me to keep a clear head, to keep calm, to know what to do, to give love, and to have joy and a happy soul. So that's pretty sweet. :) ok i'm going to go enjoy the next hr 1/2 while both of them nap. YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!


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