A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Friday, January 13, 2006

a book and a baby

thursdays and fridays are the most fantastic days ever.
the two year old goes to school all day long. and it's just me and the baby! so sweet!
yesterday the baby slept allll morning and I was able to go to the fabric store, the bookstore and the sub-par library we have next door. I'm somwhat of a library snob so I was slightly disapointed but everythings so close together up here there's another library like 5 miles away.pretty sweet.
when the baby and me were having lunch, I was singing to him, which he LOVES, and it's was just so awesome, whole house to myself, singing praise songs at the TOP OF MY LUNGS, and a laughing baby. maybe I will have kids :) haha.
today's friday, got paid! and I think tomorow i'm going into the city to have lunch with a friend and explore the day away. I think I will go to the Museum of Modern art and if I have time I will also go to the Museum of Natural History. they are about 10 blocks apart, the MoMA is on the R side of central park and MNH is directly on the other...
so i'll be there.
got emails from a couple dear friends today. made my morning. keep em coming :)
love you all


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