A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Feels like home

Did you ever see something so beautiful that it made you feel like you found home? Tonight, after gallavanting around the city all day looking at new exciting things I'd never seen, I arrived back at the Ner York Public Library and Bryant Park. As I walked out of the Subway past an old subway sax player, my heart, like, smiled, because I knew that when I came out of that Subway tunnel, I would be home. The weirdest feeling, really, but there's just something about that park and the gigantic library next door that makes me want to cry. Maybe because it's the first place I hung out in after making my way out of Grand Central that first time, circling the blocks but always winding up there. Maybe because there's just something about a house of books that will always be home to this poetic soul. Anyway, it's like my heart has staken it out as "our spot." Free ice skating, concerts, fashion week extravaganzas, and in the summer a huge lawn for picnics and all kinds of stuff. Just walking up to the park made me smile so big, knowing that somehow, I'd found the spot in NYC that feels like home. As I stood leaning over the railing over the park below, I chatted it up with this old black security guard about the history of New York and the subway system :), then headed over to Grand Central to head home. A little lady was having trouble with like 20 bags, so I flashed her a famous smile, picked up some of her bags, and we headed to her train. Nothing like helping a stranger to make you feel like a million bucks. Want people to love you? love them. That's what i say. Well, I actually have never said it but there's no time like the present, eh? :) Anyway, all of this was a wonderful ending to a near-perfect day. I arrived in the city, grabbed a cab up to Lincoln Center, where my new/ old friend Allison Richert and I had lunch at a Szechwan place (sp?) she headed to work, so I meandered over to an outdoor fruit market and grabbed some hot cider to sip while I read my book at an outdoor area nearby. It was the coolest feeling, like I AM A MOVIE, they write movies about stuff like this, I am living this life! So cool. Anyway :), after that I hopped on a Subway and headed South to check out the "hip" downtown areas I've heard so much about like Soho and Greenwich Village. I never know where I'm going, so I always ending up circling a lot of blocks but that's the good thing about not having anywhere to be! you're not in a hurry! It's awesome! so then I hopped on another subway (by the way, people, it is sheer luck i get where I need to go because I have no idea still how this whole subway system works) and took it down to the Battery Park area and took my first ride on the Staten Island Ferry, a free ferry to, of course, Staten Island. There wasn't much outdoor deck space, so I'll be trying other boats in the future, but for free, it was A+++! A great view of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty, and an unbelievable sunset over the Island. Then I headed back up to Soho to meet Allie for Supper. we walked, talked, laughed, got peanuts and coffee from street vendors (yep, my first st. vendor experience! I loved it!), walked out of a diner cause it didn't meet our budget (Park Ave. has NOTHING girls-on-budgets like us can afford by the way), and finally found a place to eat. Truthfully, it was the most fun I've had since I moved here. The start of a beautiful friendship :) Who knew? All in all, a fantastic day WHICH, as a bonus, was all chronicled via photo thanks to my G & G's generous disposable camera donation! So keep this email, Grandma and Grandpa! You can read and peruse the pictures and the email and get the whole story :) AM I THE BEST GRANDAUGHTER EVER? :) haha. Anyway, this is a long blog which I am embarrased to admit, I actually put my pen to paper and wrote it all as I rode the train back to Port Chester! Aren't I just the lamest? haha. Then arrived home to THREE pieces of awesome mail! I live an amazing life! :)

Sidenote: unrelated.
The Holy Spirit is amazing. If anyone is wondering why their life as a Child of God is unfulfilling, you should read the book of Acts and pray that the Lord would work mightily in you the way he did then. HE STILL WORKS LIKE THAT! He hasn't changed! The Holy Spirit will rock your world. I am who I am and doing so great not because I am an easily adaptable person. I am who I am and how I am here because of the Holy Spirit in me and God's blessings on my life. The key is GIVING IT UP. We stubborn people want to do it all ourselves and let God take a part. God will do more than we can imagine if we give it ALL. You know that thing you think you are doing just fine with? Think again. Let the Holy Spirit examine you- don't be so quick to think the OTHER person needs to change, the SITUATION needs to change, etc.


Thanks be to God who is all I need and fulfills my every need. :) Praise be to the God who fills my heart with joy even when circumstances aren't ideal. Praise be to the God who is unchanging when everything else is so unpredictable! Blessed be the name of the Lord.
OK, off the soapbox.
love you all


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