A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

fell in love today

So today started out like any other- stumbled out of bed at around 6:20, made it upstairs, fed the baby, fed the 2 year old, some bob the builder, and off to school.
I dropped Kid 1 off at school- the first day that I made it all the way to school with no turn-arounds or wrong turns. yeah!
Then Kid 2 and I headed to Starbucks-I thought I'd write a few letters and carch up on some bible reading. He had the courtesy of letting me hang out there for awhile, then got a little restless for his milk so we hurriedly headed out to the car to do a little back-seat lunch.
As I held him in the back seat, trying to get him to take the bottle when he was so obviously hungry, this eighties song, you know the one, "YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A NATURAL WOMAN, WOMAN..." anyway, I'm singing this wong to baby and I realized, I love you, kid. I really love you. there's no where else I'd rather be this morning than with you, in the back of the minivan in the Strarbucks parking lot, working on a bottle. :) It was really nice. Then this great Howie day song came on, and there we are singing, hanging out, and I was just laughing at myself, at the good time we were having.
...anyway by the 13th song, when we were still working on the bottle, it got a little old :) but It was cool to realize I'm falling in love with these kids. makes working with them a little better too :)
anyway the rest of the day was spent shopping for the family, Target, driving all around and getting things done, and I'll admit I'm prlly the only "mama" rocking out to 80's songs at the stoplights, but it was a great time.
One other thing I realized today... Mary Poppins was magic.
No, let me explain. In the nanny serach, you find nannies that claim "the real mary poppins, for your family!" well that's just silly! mary poppins created a false expectation for nannies everywhere, we should not be feeding into these lies! Of COURSE she was a great nanny, turned the family around and all, she was magic! When SHE wanted the children to clean up, she just snapped her fingers. REAL nannies spend an hour trying to get a 2 year old to realize his toys aren't disapearing, they're just getting put away.
When Mary Poppins wanted to go on a fun trip, she just hopped into a sidewalk painting. REAL nannies work up a sweat getting everyone dressed, getting the million things you might need, and making the "extra" effort to wear "real pants." Anyway, I just thought I'd clear that up :)
I've been spending the last couple of nights at the gym, and since the thigh worker outer is the only machine I know how to use other than the treadmill and the elliptical, I was walking like a cowboy today. A sore cowboy. So I may take the night off and get some things done. I keep myself surprisingly busy for the amount of things I have going on. Which is nice. anyway iI'm off, but I hope you all have a great night!
keep the mail comin!


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