A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Vomit city- not that bad haha!

hello, friends!
i'm writing this frantically while on commercial from one of my new favorite shows- Beauty and the Geek. who doesn't love a little reality TV to finish the day? :)
Anyway, I have a new story for all my faithful readers today.
So I'm feeding the baby at like 11:30, and I'm burping him, you know, the whole baby routine. So I'm burping him and then it begins.
Vomit, flowing out of him like it's his job, and he's makin a million.
Gushing out, all over me, all over him, all over the COUCH. I'm like uh, uh what to do? what to do? I'm C O V E R E D in baby vomit. We rush upstairs, me holding him out from my body as far as I can.
I strip him down, diaper and all, and plop him on his baby bath chair thing in the bathtub and I strip down too, until I'm in a towel, trying to keep it on and bathe the baby simultaneously as fast as I can and I think it kinda scared him a little bit cause he's looking at me with this horrified look in his eyes, anyway so I wash him up and slap a diaper on the little guy, throw both of our clothes in the wash, and head downstairs, him in the diaper and me in the towel... to a RINGING phone! sounds disastorous, right?
actually, it was just my dad, calling to chat, he felt a little leading to give me a call while he was driving down the road.
so we chatted about my insane day while I got dressed, scrubbed, lysoled, and febreezed the couch, and funny how that works, but instead of being annoyed, I just laughed at myself and the situation and thought, yeah, this is going on the blog :)
anyway, love you all!


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