A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Finally Thursday One-Kid-Day!

Hello blog-lovers!
Christina here, sitting in wet hair and a towel after grabbing a quick shower- a rarity in the world of child-rearing. Both children are happily playing independently, which is also a rarity, so I thought I'd jot some things on my blog!
Let's see, what's been going on these past 2 weeks...
-Well, the baby got his first two teeth- got them on St. Patrick's day so of course Irish Daddy is sure it's a sign from God. Haha.
-I've been informed that the 6:15 wakeup call will soon be changing to 5:15 which basically means any semblance of a social life will be halted due to my super-early new bedtime: 9:15. Woah!
-I'm still laughing thinking of all the good and funny times I had with Mom and Care this weekend- like the time I ran into a pole while trying to look at the Metro-North schedule while we were at Top of the Rock (Rockefeller Center, I would suggest this over the Empire State building for a bevy of reasons, just trust me). Also when Caroline was so impressed with Mom's college friend's building on the Upper West Side because she'd gone through the work of putting our name on the buzz-in list (We share the same last name, and it was on the Apt. listing BECAUSE SHE LIVED THERE). Good times :) Also it was so good to take them to my church, and introduce them to some of my bible-study friends and show them where I'm making my home.
-On Monday, the kids and I went for a walk. This was complicated by the fact that they don't have a double stroller, so Kid 1 was in the stroller and Kid 2 was strapped to my chest. I didn't think it would be that bad, but after about 5 blocks of 20 lbs strapped to you, you start to feel the heat... literally. It was quite the workout! Of course I was not willing to admit defeat, and after hitting Panera for a muffin for the little guy, we actually went shopping for a bit at Marshalls. What was I thinking? Also compouding the ridiculousness, I put the baby back into the Baby Bjorn wrong after Panera, and his little sleeping head was rolling all over while I waddled around the store. Ahhhhhhhh! Good thing though, I found that awsome dress for the opera and also an amazing suit. So all is good.
-Today I'll bring Kid 1 to school, then Kid 2 and I will Starbucks it for as long as he'll let me :) and then head home to do some laundry, etc. Thursdays and Fridays without Kid 1 used to seem so long and luxurious, but now they seem to go by in a flash! Ok, better get going, but I love you all!


Blogger gnarly nanny said...

oh man, i totally understand the one kid in stroller, one kid strapped on phenomenon... it's tough.

6:39 PM


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