A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Seeing the Sliver (LOG)

Ok, so one thing that is amazing today (well, really yesterday) is that a bad, bad thing with a friend has been (kind of) resolved. You know those times, when you just act REALLY, REALLY badly, and you have no excuses or reasons? That's what this was. No explanation, really. The things I said I didn't really even believe. It was like word vomit that just came spewing up in a huge moment of weakness. It was one of those times, when you are so bent on correcting someone else's percieved wrong that you have no idea that you have a HUGE LOG in your own. I moped around all week, so sad about it. My mom was so worried cause let's me serious, it takes a lot for me to lose my joy. But I did, I was just appalled at the way I had been acting and appalled that I could hurt someone so much that I love so much! Isn't that how it goes! The people that are closest to us see our faults, OUR GLARINGLY OBVIOUS FAULTS clear as day. And because you are so close, you hurt them with these faults so much more! Sin is out to get our relationships! I've mourned my mistakes all week long, and although God has forgiven me it just doesn't feel right until the relationship is restored! So I'm praying, praying, praying.
The question is- can you go back? You can't take back the words, but after all is done and all is forgiven and intentions are known, can you go back to being good? Can you go back to opening your heart to them as freely? I'm hoping so. I'm praying so! Ok, that's enough about that.


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