A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Friday, February 03, 2006

off to the city for a night out!

i thought i'd hurry and write a blog for all my friends out there that "read the blog almost every night before going to bed"... don't want to dissapoint!
I'm headed to the city tonight to go out to dinner with my friend Jodi, who I know from high school and haven't seen in over 3 years! ahhh! hopefully she still thinks i'm cool! anyway, i'm staying overnight with my friend allie and having lunch with jocelyn tomorow then heading back here for church!
highlights of today:
-forgetting my wallet at target and having to make a special trip to the white plains target with two crazy kids to get it back. BUT IT WAS THERE so praise the Lord!
-being EARLY to get out of the house for once. this NEVER happens, trust me
-finally finishing the shelves and their contents in my room last night- it looks sooooo great- there are picture frames, books, candles, and it is just perfect. word to the wise though, decorative candles that are perched precariously on a tiny shelf should NOT be lit. I had a bad experience last night with 2 falling burning candles on the shelf above my head. ahhh! don't need ambiance that bad!
-i might finally have a handle on this budget thing- i deposited my $$ BEFORE i head to the city. this is key, otherwise i have allll this cash in my wallet, waiting to be spent on a new york experience.
-talking to my good friends from ames, the Rykens (used to babysit them) and Marcy, the mom, told me that her friend told her when she had kids this age that "you are deep in the trenches of war. feel lucky if you get through a day" surprisingly, this helped. i'm not the only one hardly making it through a day without tears of frustration! not alone! :) also she thinks I should start a nanny group from my church, which i am thinking of doing and would be amazing.
-The mom and the dad are thinking of putting Kid 1 in a different school that is all day every day even through the summer. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH EASIER MY JOB WOULD BE?? AHHHH! perhaps a little boring, though. we'll see.
love you all!
thanks amanda for the mail! love you!
Jane, I was just joking about you spreading the word- tell one, tell all! I love it that you love hearing about my life, and if other people do too, then sweet! (weird, cause it's not that exciting, but sweet nonetheless!)
G and G- how are the pictures? i'm soooo excited to see them and put them on the blog!
i'm off,
stina and the city


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