A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blog obsession?

So, this blog is directed towards all my obsessive-blog checkers.
Don't get me wrong, I love it that you care!
But I just want to talk about a little blog-etiquitte (spelling?)

1st rule of blog-dom:

I realized tonight that after telling all these funny stories I will no longer be the "fun cousin" telling all sorts of hilarious tales of life, now that all my family WILL HAVE MEMORIZED ALL MY FUNNY STORIES BY THEN! or worse, people will just start requesting them by name "hey, can you tell us about the first time the baby threw up on you?" "hey, can you tell us about the time you clogged the toilet the first week..." etc. I am scared I'm going to come back to Iowa and people I have never met, but got the URL address from a fan something and these people will just run into me at Hyvee or something and know all about how the first car I honked at was waiting for a woman and child to cross the street. AGH! anyway, I like the blog, but you all have to promise to not get bored with me when I re-tell these stories, they're all I've got, people! either that, or I'm going to start withholding some for family gatherings. do you want that, people? do you want me to withhold so i'm still funny in person? :)

2nd rule of blog-dom:

Be happy when blogs start getting more infrequent- it means I have friends! and things to do!

One day, I hope to have a life here, one that involves occasional social interaction and plans with people other than myself. WHEN THIS HAPPENS, I'll probably be able to write on the blog less. I just want you all to be prepared. It's ok! if you wonder what has happened on that particular day, just give me a call! or send an email! I'll be happy to catch you up on how many times that day I got drooled on, or how many episodes of Bob the Builder I watched, or how many times Hispanic men yelled "hey mommy!" out the window at me as I walked to my car to go to the gym. (oh, did I not tell about that? yesterday, in sweatpants, some guys did that. why do they think that is attractive? and why is yelling mommy supposed to make me feel good? i'm pretty sure, from where I'm standing, that being a mommy is not necessarily good on the looks since I pretty much wear sweatpants and have to really try to get time to brush my teeth) anyway, just preparing you all for the (hopeful) future :)

3rd rule of blog-dom:
Eh, there is no 3rd rule, acutally I was hard pressed to think of the 2nd one but 1st and 2nd are both pretty importante. :)
quick run down on last night and today-
had to feed the baby at 1 in the morning. he would not go back to sleep and it was soooooooooooo frustrating. I don't think I can be a mother because I was so frustrated after 45 minutes of him magically waking up after being placed in his crib that I was rocking him, saying soothing words through clenched teeth, tears streaming down my face. UGH mothers of babies do this multiple times a night! torture! BUT the Dad was feeling better today (good and bad- you'll see) and so I got to sleep in until 8 which was nice, other than waking to every creak, thinking it was time to wake up. the good- sleeping in. the bad? the extreme awkwardness of co-caring for the kids with the Dad. he does things his way- I do things mine. totally threw off my nanny mojo and of course #1 didn't know what to do- with his dad AND nanny there so in response he acted like a crazy crying person all day. :) ahhhh, life.
tomorow is Thursday which means that Kid 1 is in SCHOOL! ALL DAY! as I write that I am singing it in my head cause I love Thursdays so much. yeah! the baby is so good in his carseat, so we just go around town, getting things done, last week we went out to eat! I got my hair cut once, we go shopping, it's pretty nice. that's when I really love him. at 1 in the morning, it's tough, i'm not gonna lie. anyway, so happy thursday tomorow yeah! and the Dad is heading back to work which will be nice. back to normal- almost. The Mom still gone so chances are....
the crabbiest is yet to come.
ah, you take the good with the bad.
love you all


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