A site about Christina's year in NY and her adventures in babysitting (nannying) two kids and adventures in NYC YEAH big apple!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I think I'll publish a list of Christina's Favorite things (like Oprah has) because, well, I want to.

Favorite things of February

New favorite cook/ magazine/ cooking show:
Rachael Ray, she's funny and cool and makes great food 30 min. Plus her magazine is super fun and informative. Check it out.

Favorite pick up lines from the weekend:
"Are those your real eyes or are they contacts? Wow." (to christina in Mcdonalds)
"Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!" -in a loud, boisterous tone- (waiters) "What are they talking about?" (betsy) "you, they're talking about you, but I'm sure you know that" (waiter)
then the waiters got her name of her credit card and all said goodbye. puke :)
"They don't need dessert, they are sweet enough." (at dinner, to which I said "seriously, does this mean they're not bringing our dessert?" I was getting worried)

Favorite home furnishing place
Ikea, you can get a good duvet cover there for like 20 bucks. that's so awesome! I'm in the market for one, so I've been shopping around.

Favorite new Style Icon
Betsey Johnson. Way out of my price range, but so fun to look and also great to try to recreate in my thrift-shop wardrobe

Favorite trait in a friend
When you can use your amazing wealth of wit to make fun of them mercilessly with no repercussions, and they reciprocate. It's the best.

Favorite new arch nemesis
Ok, so someone named GenetrixMC left a comment on my blog the other day saying "this is the worst thing ever." Seriously, GenetrixMC, who forced you to read my blog? You don't even HAVE a blog, yet you're coming over to mine and getting all fiesty? Where do you get off? Anyway, I don't know who you are but I hope you find blogs you like elsewhere. Until then you are officially my new arch nemesis. alright. that's settled.

Favorite things I thought I'd never hear myself saying, but did
"don't even think about eating that spaghetti off the floor."

"Step away from your brother with that crayon. We have paper to color on, not brothers"

"Stop right there, do NOT put that phone into my coffee."

so funny.

Monday, February 27, 2006

A string of bad luck

Ok, so you know those movies where everything goes wrong and you are just supposed to laugh and laugh at their misfortune? Because you know in your head that it couldn't REALLY happen like that? Like Meet the Parents. I could hardly WATCH that movie because I couldn't handle watching that poor guy getting crapped on by fate and circumstances!
Anyway, I mention this because the last couple of days have kind of been like that.
Friday we went to Serendipity and wanted to go ice skating in Central Park but by the time we were done w/ the hot chocolate, Central Park was dark and creepy. And it was cold and windy.
Then Saturday we went up to the Upper W. Side to get bagels (best in NY) then down to Columbus Circle for lunch (at Jean Georges, also amazing) by that time it was 4, and we needed to get shopping! so we headed down to soho (a place betsy loves shopping at, then down to Canal street to get fake designer bags, and if not for us being really pushy and asking to see what was behind the curtains, we would have been dissapointed there as well. ugh! So then we headed to the Staten Island ferry, which we waited a long time for then found out it was going to be a looonnnnng wait. Ugh! Plus by that time Betsy was getting hungry and tired of walking and was getting a bit fussy(for further reference I'll have to remember visitors aren't used to New York walking... or pricing...or windiness :) ) so we left. Then we decided to head in the direction of home, and stop for a burger. so of course I think well if we're going to get a burger, let's go to the BEST dang burger joint in the city. So we walk blocks and blocks and the line is all the way out the door. So we walk back and just stop at the first place we see... well not the first, Betsy had to pull me away from a "restaurant" that was apparantly a gay bar. How was I supposed to know? (Betsy gave me a slew of reasons, so I'll know for next time haha) Anyway so that place was actually pretty great. Which was good because we were both at the end of our ropes. Good food, conversation. Nice. (This is the point at which Betsy YELLS that I "must have a urinary tract infection" because I keep having to use the restrooms, which for some reason the waiters just thought was sooooooooo funny and were harrassing us about. SO FUNNY. too bad they didn't think we were funny enough to get free supper there. oh well you can't win them all )
Then Sunday after church, we headed back into the city to go to some fabric stores and a cupcake place.
Fabric Stores closed. ugh
Cupcake place amazing but pretty out of the way and Betsy was slightly unimpressed. I think her quote was "I think I just like Duncan Hines!" Which is weird for me, because I think I'm like the most impress-able person ever. I think most things are pretty great. So for the record, I will be going back there. Anyway, so it was biting cold. BITING COLD. like with wind chill it reportedly was -1 degrees outside. ahhh! so we headed back to Canal st. for more bags. Closed. Then down to Chinatown for a mani-pedi (manicure and pedicure, mom haha) and we COULDN'T FIND ANY! And you can't just ask the first asian person you see, "hey, where's the nail places" because that would be rude and pretty much stereotyping the whole chinese nation as people who do nails. So we're wandering around Chinatown, and finally find a place that we go to and on the way I'm praying out loud in the street... "LORD, JUST LET US GET OUR NAILS DONE, JUST GIVE US THIS ONE THING! PLEASE, LORD!" And we found a place and they stayed open late for us and I got a greeeeat pedicure for $12. So that was awesome. Then we headed back here to Chinese the Mom had ordered for us and watched Dancing with the Stars. My time with Betsy has been great, but I definately know what I'll do differently when my next guests come. :) It's prlly one of those things that will be really funny in a couple of years, how everything kept going wrong and we just couldn't get a break for the life of us the whole weekend. All worth it because I'm getting quality time with Betsy, a friend who made some hefty sacrifices to come be with a friend! ok, i'm off, love you all!

I need to note, at the request of Betsy, :) that she was fussy because she had had very little sleep the entire week before.
Also she is adamant that she did NOT, in fact, biff it on the subway but it was only a tiny stumble (mmm hmmm) :)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sick in the city

My friend is here! yeah! We had a great night last night going to Serendipity (famous frozen hot chocolate) and walking around the city for awhile. It was great to chat and laugh and hang out with someone who thinks I am so unabashadly fantastic :). Plus it was really great when she almost biffed it on the subway when it started moving, and I laughed and laughed. If you don't get a good grip on those things, they'll send you flyin. The other day I was in a crowd of people and didn't have anything to hold onto, and I was bumping into half of Manhattan and apologizing all the way there. Jodi calls it subway surfing, and that's pretty accurate.
I just woke up this morning, and today I think we're going to head into the city and do all the shopping/ eating/ siteseeing stuff. It's so fun to do the "normal" New Yorker things like buying a Metrocard for the subway and showing her around cause it makes me truly feel like a New Yorker. Then of course I get my directions mixed up and I end up looking like I have no idea anyway, but oh well :)
The thing is, I've got a cold. ugh. I'm sure I got it from one of the numerous men in this house who spread germs around like it's going out of style. I've tried and tried not to get sick, I use more antibacterial hand gel than is probably recommended, but I guess all those baby liquids and substances I'm handling have caught up with me! So oh well. The mom is a big fan of this nose spray called Zicam and so I'm spraying that up my nose every couple hours, hoping for a miracle. So that's that.
ok so i've gotta go grab some coffee to get me started today, we've got a big day ahead of us (well, if the guest awakes anytime soon haha, I was waiting and waiting for her to wake up then I just set my cell phone alarm clock and let it go, but she still just laid there! I guess i'll let her sleep. ugh :) )
love you all

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Double-teaming it

Ok, so today wasn't so bad! This morning, I had to do a ginger-ale run and made a call to my one friend that would be awake at 6:30 am Iowa time and she prayed for my day and reminded me that I was kind of being a big baby last night :) Ahhh, good friends tell you that kind of stuff. So today was nice, got up late, got off early, went out for coffee w/ myself and my Bible so yeah, loving it. The Dad and I double-reamed the kids which was actually pretty good cause Kid #1 was still puking this morning. After getting him some ginger all little by little we were done with the puking business by mid-afternoon so yeah. yeah. yeah.
Plus, my new blog-friend nanny Louise says if I REALLY have problems I need to talk to them. If they're just me being a baby, I need to just get over it (she didn't say that part, I did) haha.
So, friends, a pretty good day.
Tomorow, Thursday, I'll watch the kids. Alone :) and try to get ready for my FIRST WEEKEND GUEST, my great friend Betsy will be here and I will be showing her around the city! yeah!
off to bed

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Swap-o-rama-rama my NIGHT

Ok, so my weekend was unadulteratedly fabulous. So great. After a wonderful weekend in Jersey, I spent Sunday night and Monday back in the city with Jodi, exploring the upper East Side as far up as the 90's and 100's and found some cute stuff and some not- so- cute stuff. turns out the real upper 90's and 100's are more Harlem-like than the typical old-money Upper East side charm. Then we explored Central Park for awhile- some places I'd only seen in movies and pictures like the Belvedere Castle, the Resevoir, and some other sweet places. My new beautiful cowboy boot caused me to totally fall and make a fool of myself on a Central Park sidewalk, but Jodi got a kick out of it because she had totally biffed it earlier that day and I had laughed and laughed while she struggled (I later apologized, so don't worry)
THEN I had heard of a clothing swap going on in Brooklyn later that day (through my pre- Manhattan trip fun things internet search that I've become very good at) so we gathered Jodi's old clothes that I hadn't already saved from give-away and bagged them in this little travel luggage and headed across the river (really under the river, on the L) to Brooklyn to the "Swap a rama-rama" event somewhere in Williamsburg, a neighborhood in Brooklyn. At first, I thought it was going to be a big bust but after awhile Jodi and I really got into the spirit of it, and I ended up getting a bunch of REALLY great stuff. Yeah, I had to dig through piles of people's used and perhaps dirty clothes, but the rush of getting sweet clothes for free far outweighed any concerns. It got to where you'd see a person coming with a bag of clothes to donate, you'd do a quick once-over to see if they'd have anything you'd like based on their current fashion, then you'd get as close as possible to the bag-dumping location. So fun. Of course, all of this meant Jodi and I had to lug one piece of luggage and one huge garbage sack of clothes for about 5 blocks after all the subway rides but it was totally worth it.
so that was amazing
then today...
Kid #1 stomach flu.
The father home sick.
So sick and awkward. great.
I made the most of it, tried to make due.
THEN I'm driving to bible study and the car is shaking, the car is shaking more , the car is shaking uncontrollably. I pull off onto the exit, and at the first stoplight the car tells me to stop and pull over! (well the digital dash thingy does) So I do, and lo and behold, the tire is shredded. Totally entirely shredded. HORRIFIED.
So I call the Dad, and let him know (thinking I'm going to be fired or something) and he says "Oh, that front right tire, yeah I've been meaning to fix that."
Yep, he forgot to tell me. ugh.
So then when I got home from bible study (to 2 messages from the Dad) I have to go with him to fix the car and all this business. AND HE SAYS glad I didn't have to get Pete to help me, I would have owed him dinner. And I just am obligated to help? No free dinner for me? No extra 20 bucks for the overtime and the heartache shredding a tire caused? So that kind of annoyed me. I just want my time to be valued even if I'm not doing something important or having to be somewhere. I mean, this family is not my life. This family is my job. And there is a difference. A subtle difference, perhaps, but a difference.
Anyway, so I'm heading to bed kind of annoyed, but I am giving it to God so as to not let bitterness grow, but it's hard to have a hope for a fresh start tomorow when the DAD is planning to STAY HOME AGAIN. Why? Why? Why? It's so awkward and he obviously can't tell for some reason? He doesn't notice the pregnant silences full of millions of things we DON'T have in common? Eh, what can you do?
please don't take this as complaining, usually I don't write when I have a bad day but I think that might be giving you all the wrong impression about my life, so I'm going to try to write now whether I'm doing great or not. A more comprehensive approach :)
love you all

Sunday, February 19, 2006

a fantastic long weekend still in the works

ok, so today is Sunday (love this day) and my NEW CHOIR sang at church today. We did wonderfully, the message was on bitterness which was good cause the diva in me was REALLY annoyed when the old lady that sits next to me in choir sang my one-note solo at the end of the song along with me. Can you believe it? That I would be annoyed at such a little thing? But in my mind she's built up as some kind of choir arch nemesis and so today she crossed me again. Plus she's really old so no one's going to tell her to leave the high-note singing to the youngsters. But I'm not bitter, cause I learned about that today :)
So my trip to Jersey was wonderful.
I cannot say enough good things about the fine company I kept there,
the beautiful sights that were the New Jersey coast,
and just the whole time.
It WAS, however, funny to spend time with committed blog- READERS who would comment throughout the weekend of things that should make or be censored from the blog. Cindi was just having the hardest time knowing that the Cindy at home (mom, for all you newbies to the blog) would be hearing about the bar-fight we almost witnessed. (for the record- did not actually WITNESS a bar fight, just heard some people yelling.) haha. I told them don't worry, guys, I won't write anything bad about New Jersey. Unless we get shot at then I'm putting it in. The gloves are coming off at that point. But we didn't, and that was very nice. I cherish my bullet-free space, you know.
So a great time was had there, and I just loved their little community, felt so homey. I fully plan on A. going back and bringing friends- ones I already have and new ones to make and B. MAKING friends with the kids that live in those huge gorgeous lake homes so they'll invite me to come hang out in the summer. we'll see if this happens! :) It was really great to be able to meet someone (Cherie) who instantly recognized my mom's resemblance, who marveled at how I acted so much like a Smith (fake last name- see mom I AM getting street-smarts! haha) but also so much like my mom. It was great to talk to people who knew my family, and we could tell stories and jokes about back home. I think that's one of my favorite things- being part of a family that is so widely loved that I can walk into the home of someone simply from my town and already be loved, just by them knowing my family and my roots. Pretty cool. Then, of course, coming back to home sweet home Port Chester, where I had to walk around the duct-taped hood of a car that had made it's way onto the side-walk while I was gone for the weekend. Eh, what you gonna do? Oh well :) ALSO we went to a real crab shack. not like Joe's Crab Shack the chain. An actualy shack. that serves Crab. Like they go boating and get the fish, then they sell it and also cook it up into amazing food. I had a crab cake sandwich and shrimp that I had to peel (didn't know Shrimp even had to be peeled?) It was awesome, and I bet it's the place to be in the summer, since it's just down the road from the beach.
Today after church I went out to brunch with my new friend Regine. you know those people that you become friends with that you just think, yep, we are totally meant to be friends, you don't even have to think about it? It just happens? That's how it was with her. We both just knew! She's from Yonkers (just N of the Bronx) so she talks like those Bronx people from the movies. It's great, I think i sort of try to steal her accent and pick up little pieces here and there so I sound cool when I come home. Is that lame? Oh well :) So we've been trying to get together outside of bible study for weeks, and it finally worked out today. We chatted for an hour or two over a huge breakfast for me, hot tea for her (this may be the one fault in the friendship, I will have to do some investigating in future meals to make sure she's not a small eater) and it was so fantastic. We laughed and joked and talked about our history with God. Really, really great. God is totally blessing me with her friendship which is totaly amazing.
I'm actually heading back to the city today- Jodi Kneisel and I are hanging out. The way our relationship works is we make plans as far as a day, then meet up whenever and do whatever. SO NICE to have such a low-maintenance friend! Of course, I spend hours looking up fun options of things to do in NYC on the internet (as Megan and Tina can attest, I like to have options when I go a new fun place- whenever we go on vacation together I put together a huge book filled with stuff to do, including possible itineraries, Jane think you could have a job for me? :) ) so we've got some fun possibilities including a jazz club, a comedy club where her friend's performing, and a huge clothing swap meet tomorow which I am FULLY planning on attending. It will be my first time to Brooklyn so that'll be one for the books. :) tomorow is some holiday so I have the day off so I plan to really live it up and have an amazing free time in the city. The free NYC type websites are getting a LOT of business with me in town :)
ok, love you all!

mini-sunday Sermon-
Bittnerness destroys you and poisons your soul. You can't wait for the person to apologize cause they might never do it and you will end up getting ruined in the process. Let it go for the sake of your relationship and because we are told to forgive quickly and completely. What are YOU holding onto?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Trip to Jersey

ok, so there's this joke that says "why are new yorkers so depressed? cause the light at the end of the tunnel is new jersey"
turns out jersey is quite nice, actually, i'm here visiting cindi metzger (former voice teacher) and Cherie Carl. So fun! we went and had NY pizza last night (new jersey pizza? is that different?) and I think there was a bar fight at the pizza place so that was quite exciting. more later.
love you all

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What is love, anyway?

So, I was watching "the bachelor" yesterday, watching this Dr. date multiple women, trying to wrap his mind around multiple romantic dates while trying to still not "cheat on a girlfriend." I suppose it's not cheating if they're all your girlfriends? (I know Cindy, it's horrible, isn't it?)
Of course I watch it, it's TiVOed for sure. Anyway, so yesterday was V-day and i'm watching the show, then I am thinking about love (woke up in an awesome mood, clutching my bible for some reason? and just loving the world and feeling great) and thought...
Where better to read about Love on Valentines day than 1 Corinthians 13? The "Love Chapter," if you will. So I'm reading and I'm thinking about how real love is so different than what you watch on TV. Love on the Bachelor waits all of 2 seconds to go in for the first smooch session. LOVE is patient. Love on the Bachelor is girls clawing out eyes and back-stabbing ea. other to "get the guy." LOVE is kind. LOVE endures all things, believes all things, hopes all things. It rejoices in the TRUTH! REAL LOVE keeps people married, and involves sacrifice (the biggest sacrifice being Jesus' sacrifice for us, to pay for our sins for all time! The hugest love story ever!)
Anyway, enough sermon, but I just thought in lieu of V-day I would sermonize a bit on REAL love and the Bachelor.
But speaking of said horrible dating show that doesn't exemplify real love...the Bachelor, I am rooting for Sarah from Tennessee. She is sweet and nice and kind and just surprisingly great for a reality dating show! That other girl, on the other hand, I think is bad news.
thanks for the v-day packageS, mom and dad, especially that envelope... you are too good to me and I have such a good example of grace just by knowing you! I love you!
also G and G, thanks for the socks! I put 'em on right away! yeah, you're the best!

Lost in translation

Ok, so I'm writing a couple mini-blogs today of things I've been thinking about over the past couple of days.
This one, entitled "Lost in Translation," reflects on some things I'm learning about communication-- with the parents.

For instance, when interviewing, I heard...
"This job is very consistent, you'd start every day at 6 and end at approximately 5 every day!"
But what I'm finding out that means is..
"Yeah, you'll start the job at anytime between 5 and 7. And you'll get off work anytime between 4 and 6. Really it's anyone's guess! It's a fun guessing game! :) "

And when they call and say when they'll be home?
When they say
"I'm leaving the office early, we'll be home at 4 today"
what THAT really means is
"Count on us at 5, 5:30, something will inevitably come up"

3.How about rules?
When they say,
"Please don't let them watch no more than 2 hrs television a day"
They mean,
"...unless they're really cranky, adjusting to a big change in life, us parents are home, it's educational, or the moon is at a certain place in the sky."

So, that's just a little helpful guide for all you nannies out there that might be wondering why YOU can't seem to communicate with your employers. You just need to translate! :) I had the mistaken idea that when I became a nanny, things would start on schedule, there would be scheduled fun events, rules would be set in stone, and the parents would walk in the door at 4:45, ready to take over at 5. But what I'm finding out? Jobs aren't like that, theirs OR mine. And kids aren't like that either, especially when they're not yours. When you're a nanny, you gotta go with the flow, do what they say, even if it's different than yesterday. Sends my mind reeling somedays, when it feels like ALL I WANT is some stability, but I'm rolling with it and trying to be a well-adjusted nanny if it kills me :)
love you all

Maybe this will help out nannies out there that are ALSO confused as to understanding what their employers are saying. Feel free to

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Today there is a crazy blizzard going on in New York. All Boroughs of NYC are under blizzard warning, and Westchester County and Long Island are under Winter Storm warning. We have had 12 inches already, and they're predicting another 8-12! Isn't that insane! No church today! I literally see feet of snow outside on our patio as I write this! I heard they never shut down the trains to NYC (Metro North is the one I take) so I might go into the city sometime this week just to see the city under so much snow! Or maybe sledding somewhere (anyone know a good sledding spot in the city?) or just making a snow angel in Central Park- gotta do it :)
Plus this Tuesday is Valentines day, so I may be going into the city sometime during the week to celebrate with a friend or two with a nice (but cheap) dinner out? we'll see.
so, thanks to all who prayed for the pocketbook. I really appreciate it.
But last night, while I was reading my bible and hanging out at Panera Bread, God gave me a verse. It's in 2 Chron. 25
The story is this king guy was planning on attacking some people, and had hired some mercenaries to help his army. Then a messenger from God came and told him that God said HOLD IT. don't attack them! So the King says to God, wait, but I already hired all those mercenaries and spent all that money!
9Amaziah said to the man of God, "But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the troops of Israel?" And the man of God answered, "(I)The LORD has much more to give you than this."
Wow. Getting this verse just such an encouragement. God has all the money in the world, and I'm his child. I don't need to be worried about a week's pay, for God is a rich God and he loves to richly bless me. THE LORD HAS MUCH MORE TO GIVE YOU THAN THIS.
Also made me think of "The Lord gives and takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
So, for you New Yorkers reading this who can't get to church, there's your sermon :) haha
So I think I may be getting well finally. I am ravenously hungry, and just can't seem to get enough food in my belly. Must be those 3 days with hardly any food in it.
So I'm watching Mayor Bloomberg and the whole sanitation office talking about the storm on TV and it's weird, he feels like MY mayor, it feels like MY state. A weird transition happens, you don't see it coming, but all the sudden you feel like you live here, like this is home! Anyway, Today I plan on reading, watching TV, writing some more letters, eating, and basically being a big bum! Yeeyhah! I love you all!
happy snow day!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


So, usually you, my faithful readers, only get to read about my life.
Today, you can participate.
How? You may ask.
Yesterday, I was still sick, but with #1's doctors appointment and grocery shopping that needed to be done I needed to get well by about 2:30 Friday afternoon. Which I definately thought was do-able. So I sent Papa (kids' grandpa, whom I've never learned the real name of, so I also must call him that. oh well?) home and I went to pick up #1 from school. Then doctor's, then grocery store AT WHICH THEY both became crazy hungry (I was totally playing the part of white- trash mommy, having to stick my FINGER into baby's mouth to keep him from freaking out while we purchased our many items) and we had to rush out of there like our pants were on fire.
so... I left my pocketbook in a cart.
with my week's pay in it.
and it's gone now.
I was so bummed about this last night I just sat around, comatose, trying to forget it happened.
But today I'm doing something about it.
I'm praying that it will turn up at the Stop & Shop, that some nice person finds it or that some MEAN person feels guilty for taking it, and that I get it back. I just can't IMAGINE someone taking it and using my well-earned money and throwing away my beautiful pocketbook. ugh. So anyway, I'm bummed, but if you all could pray that would be amazing. The prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much, and also when 2 or 3 are gathered together in prayer God does big things too, so let's get together (yeah, yeah, yeah) in prayer and get this pocketbook back. Thanks guys!
ps no big plans this weekend so I can get well, also now that I have no money I am mostly hanging around here. cleaning lady coming today, so i'm trying to do some pre-cleaning-lady-cleaning so she's not appalled :)
love you all

Friday, February 10, 2006

sick as a dog

so, HEARING about my boss getting sick out of both ends is awkward, but you wanna know what is even MORE awkward?
that's right people, i'm sick. threw up at the doctor's office yesterday while at a routine checkup for the baby (after which i thought, hey, I can beat this! I am NOT sick. I will take a little nap while the baby naps, and i'll be fine!) , then again at home (after which I finally called the boss to say I was sick- you can't argue with 2x vomiting, and too weak to walk up the stairs) , then again all day long. miserable. totally miserable.
today i'm feeling a little bit better- haven't thrown up in almost 12 hours, which is a small victory.
trying to decide if I should cancel my lunch date and go back to bed... when you're throwing up it's easy to know you're sick, but since i'm not today it's hard to get myself to take it easy. ugh. i'm not a very good listener to my body, my mom says.
and i've eaten 3 crackers in 2 days. that can't be good, but i'm just not hungry! anyway, enough about my battles w/ sickness.
I'm not going to Vermont this weekend after all... the family Jodi and i were going to go with only has room for one person in their vehicle. yeah, it's dissapointing, but I think it will be good to get over this sickness and be raring to go on Monday. plus they said we could go up there anytime we wanted and use their car when they're not going up there, or use their house in Florida? hmmm.. :)
so I'm guzzing Sprite and headed back to bed.
thanks crystal and family for the packages! brightened up my (literally) pukey day :)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

i kissed a grandma today. not mine.

The Dad is gone this week. The Mom gone last week, Dad gone this week. no wonder the kids are going absolutely crazy! anyway, so I can't change that, so I'm doing the best I can with crazy hours (the Dad is the one who gets home early and Mom is the self-proclaimed workaholic who takes hours just to leave the office) Anyway, The Mom's parents came to take care of the kids tonight while I head to choir practice. Truth be told, i'm thinking i really got a heck of a deal with places I have to be, because it's always the same question... "we're gonna be home a little later, is there somewhere you need to be?" well, yes, there is :) anyway, so the grandma kissing part- The mom's parents are first generation moved here from the Phillipines- old school. The grandma (met once) walks in and sticks her cheek at me. I'm just standing there like WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? uhhh..... then i realize. I'm supposed to kiss it. eh what the heck. so i'm pretty sure we're best friends now. which is nice! she brought me food too, which totally threw off the eating healthy for the day but it was practically thrown down my throat so it might have been hazardous to my health to refuse.
anyway, the last couple of days have been a roller coaster. Kid #2 (baby) has become a hungry beast, eating almost twice his 6 oz. of milk every 4 hours and getting quite insistent about needing food. so much for "he's such a good baby!" Plus he's eating eating eating then always throwing up JUST enough to need a new outfit every hour or so. !!!! and Kid 1 is crazy jealous of the baby's popularity (needing to be fed pretty much constantly) so he wants to be held an insane amount too. which means this girls got a sore back and some thin patience. it is so interesting, from a psychological sense, though, because Kid 1 wants to be (ok, at this point we're switching to #1 and #2, kid one is toddler, kid 2 is baby, just to make things easier) mad AT #2, but #2 hasn't done anything, so #1 just gets mad at the current caretaker, but TODAY #1 was backing up against #2's chair (and his kicking feet) and making #2 kick him so he could get mad about it! I kept telling him to stop, but also kind of just watching and wondering and thinking about it. strange but fascinating. plus neither one was hitting or screaming so I tend to cherish those moments and try not to make any sudden movements. :)
but I got through it, and Mama and Papa (i'm going to call them that now, since we kiss now and all) got here 1 1/2 hrs early so i'm loving life right about now. not very motivated to go to choir practice, to tell you the truth, i just wanna veg after such a long day but I just have to remind myself that I will probably not regret it.
This Sunday's message at church was reeeeeeeeeeeally amazing. the preacher talked about God being first in your life. made some really good points like God is either first or last. he's not in between.
also he said How do you know if God is first?
If nothing compares.
i thought that was pretty amazing. really hit home! also he talked a lot about how good theological books, devotion books, etc, are good, but they don't have the POWER that the Bible has. So if you're reading a good christian book, good! But OPEN YOUR BIBLE. That was something I knew, but it was so good to hear. the Bible has power! to change! sweet.
So many things to say but I need to get going.
Something I was thinking about the other day... I am a deep thinker.
I have philosophies. Betsy, I know you're prlly laughing right now cause you've heard just about every one of them. I love to philosophize and discuss life and everything in it. I read the New York Times, and I watch the news! I want to talk about more than just the funny thing #1 did or what #2 threw up. I am not one-dimensional, why should my blog be? so heads up.
love you all

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

my passion for blogging has been surpassed by my passion for sleep

what a week...
I have lots of things to say but instead i'll say this (for I am a fan of sleep)
you people that read this blog before you go to bed every day, or compulsively check it, i say this.
don't worry, i'm not done blogging for life, i'm just taking a break cause this week is crazy.
so yeah.
i'm saying it.
the Bible will change your life. this will just make you laugh a little bit.
so take the next couple days. read your bible.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Free dinner is always sweeter

So I spent the night in the city last night, took the train in and walked the 10 blocks to my friend Jodi's place over in Murray Hill, a neighborhood in South Midtown Manhattan. It was soooooooo good to see her after 3 years of not hearing from or seeing her. it was one of those great reunions where you just pick up where you left off. the big thing here is this Zagat's survey book, that has pretty much all the restaurants and it has them rated, and I think it's pretty safe to say i'm a zagat's junkie by now, i bring it along, check out the places I see, do a little zagats research before heading into the city, etc. so on the train ride down to the City, I found some good affordable places that had gotten really good reviews. So Jodi and I hooked up and headed to one only about 12 blocks away called Kitchen 22. SO GOOD. an amazing 3 course meal for $25 along with fantastic conversation with Jodi...
and the guys seated next to us. they were probably my dad's age, and they just struck up a conversation with us and we chatted about life, new york, etc. Both Jodi and I were pretty sure they were boyfriend/ boyfriend the first 1/2 hour we hung out with them, but then turns out we're pretty sure they're not... anyway, sidenote. so we talked, laughed, etc. with Vladimir and Michael, and they were very nice. then, as we're getting ready to pay, our new friends ask for our check and offer to cover our bill! I know what you are ALL thinking... bad deal, don't do it, they want something in return. But do you think I was born yesterday? come on! they payed for our meal, said they were happy to treat us, and we went our separate ways. it was really really nice.
of course, the rest of the night Jodi and I would be walking along and yell out "do you remember that time we got free dinner? because we were so good looking and such charming conversationalists?" and laugh and laugh. made our night. free good food? what could be better?
so then after, we wanted to do something fun and different, Jodi is a nurse so her friends do a lot of the same things all the time, so we wanted to do something cool and different. We WANTED to sneak into a building and hang out on the roof but neither of us has those kind of connections, so we opted for the staten island ferry instead. We hung out in Union Square for awhile, then subwayed down to the Bowling Green to hop on the Staten Island ferry.. this is the part in the story where i mention that we found some very friendly pigeons there which I just thought was the funniest thing ever. so we took the boat to staten island, sang at the top of our lungs off the deck, and once in staten island walked to a neighborhood bar and sat and talked until 3 in the morning about life, God, the city, Iowa, philosophy. it was so great. then took the next ferry back to the City (all the food stands at the ferry are open all night! how wonderful is that?), met a drunk strange man on the ferry who felt it was necessary to make up a rap about how beautiful we were??? he was a custodian, but hoping to make it as a model or a rapper... i really don't know how good his chances are, but who am I to bust up his dreams! then we made our way back to Jodi's place. NYC really IS the city that never sleeps, if you didn't look at your watch you wouldn't even know that it was the middle of the night. it actually kind of messed with me and I wasn't even that tired when we finally went to sleep at 5:30/ 6 am. THAT'S RIGHT! I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT IN NEW YORK CITY DOING CRAZY FUN THINGS! YEAH! Jodi was a nanny back in the day before she became a nurse, and the family she nannied for is going to their OTHER home in Vermont to go skiing next weekend, and she invited me! so i think I'm going to visit my friend Cindi in New Jersey the next weekend. Also, I'm pretty sure I have plans for the super bowl tomorow... I know! i have friends! and a life! how fantastic! it's nice, but i'm still loving the alone time here at my place, and glad that i don't live in the city and i just get a big dose every weekend. it's good. :)
slept through church tonight- my phone shut off and didn't wake me up so I rolled with it, figured it wasn't meant to be, and I'll go tomorow. i've just been puttering around, hanging out with the Mom and Dad and Kid 1 and Kid 2(we might go on vacation to virginia this summer!) and emailing etc.
so life is good!
love you all!

Friday, February 03, 2006

off to the city for a night out!

i thought i'd hurry and write a blog for all my friends out there that "read the blog almost every night before going to bed"... don't want to dissapoint!
I'm headed to the city tonight to go out to dinner with my friend Jodi, who I know from high school and haven't seen in over 3 years! ahhh! hopefully she still thinks i'm cool! anyway, i'm staying overnight with my friend allie and having lunch with jocelyn tomorow then heading back here for church!
highlights of today:
-forgetting my wallet at target and having to make a special trip to the white plains target with two crazy kids to get it back. BUT IT WAS THERE so praise the Lord!
-being EARLY to get out of the house for once. this NEVER happens, trust me
-finally finishing the shelves and their contents in my room last night- it looks sooooo great- there are picture frames, books, candles, and it is just perfect. word to the wise though, decorative candles that are perched precariously on a tiny shelf should NOT be lit. I had a bad experience last night with 2 falling burning candles on the shelf above my head. ahhh! don't need ambiance that bad!
-i might finally have a handle on this budget thing- i deposited my $$ BEFORE i head to the city. this is key, otherwise i have allll this cash in my wallet, waiting to be spent on a new york experience.
-talking to my good friends from ames, the Rykens (used to babysit them) and Marcy, the mom, told me that her friend told her when she had kids this age that "you are deep in the trenches of war. feel lucky if you get through a day" surprisingly, this helped. i'm not the only one hardly making it through a day without tears of frustration! not alone! :) also she thinks I should start a nanny group from my church, which i am thinking of doing and would be amazing.
-The mom and the dad are thinking of putting Kid 1 in a different school that is all day every day even through the summer. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH EASIER MY JOB WOULD BE?? AHHHH! perhaps a little boring, though. we'll see.
love you all!
thanks amanda for the mail! love you!
Jane, I was just joking about you spreading the word- tell one, tell all! I love it that you love hearing about my life, and if other people do too, then sweet! (weird, cause it's not that exciting, but sweet nonetheless!)
G and G- how are the pictures? i'm soooo excited to see them and put them on the blog!
i'm off,
stina and the city

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blog obsession?

So, this blog is directed towards all my obsessive-blog checkers.
Don't get me wrong, I love it that you care!
But I just want to talk about a little blog-etiquitte (spelling?)

1st rule of blog-dom:

I realized tonight that after telling all these funny stories I will no longer be the "fun cousin" telling all sorts of hilarious tales of life, now that all my family WILL HAVE MEMORIZED ALL MY FUNNY STORIES BY THEN! or worse, people will just start requesting them by name "hey, can you tell us about the first time the baby threw up on you?" "hey, can you tell us about the time you clogged the toilet the first week..." etc. I am scared I'm going to come back to Iowa and people I have never met, but got the URL address from a fan something and these people will just run into me at Hyvee or something and know all about how the first car I honked at was waiting for a woman and child to cross the street. AGH! anyway, I like the blog, but you all have to promise to not get bored with me when I re-tell these stories, they're all I've got, people! either that, or I'm going to start withholding some for family gatherings. do you want that, people? do you want me to withhold so i'm still funny in person? :)

2nd rule of blog-dom:

Be happy when blogs start getting more infrequent- it means I have friends! and things to do!

One day, I hope to have a life here, one that involves occasional social interaction and plans with people other than myself. WHEN THIS HAPPENS, I'll probably be able to write on the blog less. I just want you all to be prepared. It's ok! if you wonder what has happened on that particular day, just give me a call! or send an email! I'll be happy to catch you up on how many times that day I got drooled on, or how many episodes of Bob the Builder I watched, or how many times Hispanic men yelled "hey mommy!" out the window at me as I walked to my car to go to the gym. (oh, did I not tell about that? yesterday, in sweatpants, some guys did that. why do they think that is attractive? and why is yelling mommy supposed to make me feel good? i'm pretty sure, from where I'm standing, that being a mommy is not necessarily good on the looks since I pretty much wear sweatpants and have to really try to get time to brush my teeth) anyway, just preparing you all for the (hopeful) future :)

3rd rule of blog-dom:
Eh, there is no 3rd rule, acutally I was hard pressed to think of the 2nd one but 1st and 2nd are both pretty importante. :)
quick run down on last night and today-
had to feed the baby at 1 in the morning. he would not go back to sleep and it was soooooooooooo frustrating. I don't think I can be a mother because I was so frustrated after 45 minutes of him magically waking up after being placed in his crib that I was rocking him, saying soothing words through clenched teeth, tears streaming down my face. UGH mothers of babies do this multiple times a night! torture! BUT the Dad was feeling better today (good and bad- you'll see) and so I got to sleep in until 8 which was nice, other than waking to every creak, thinking it was time to wake up. the good- sleeping in. the bad? the extreme awkwardness of co-caring for the kids with the Dad. he does things his way- I do things mine. totally threw off my nanny mojo and of course #1 didn't know what to do- with his dad AND nanny there so in response he acted like a crazy crying person all day. :) ahhhh, life.
tomorow is Thursday which means that Kid 1 is in SCHOOL! ALL DAY! as I write that I am singing it in my head cause I love Thursdays so much. yeah! the baby is so good in his carseat, so we just go around town, getting things done, last week we went out to eat! I got my hair cut once, we go shopping, it's pretty nice. that's when I really love him. at 1 in the morning, it's tough, i'm not gonna lie. anyway, so happy thursday tomorow yeah! and the Dad is heading back to work which will be nice. back to normal- almost. The Mom still gone so chances are....
the crabbiest is yet to come.
ah, you take the good with the bad.
love you all